Weekly Report October 22, 2022

What a perfect day to invite our Neighbors inside!!    The word is beginning to spread…  Jude, Sarah, and Kim handed out 47 bags of food.  Our Neighbors, at their leisure, visited with each other, ate their burritos and enjoyed second cups of coffee.  Many thanks to Gloria Dei Lutheran for preparing the burritos.  They upped the recipe by 20 percent and we had very few left at the end of the morning.

Background music was an unexpected bonus.  This Neighbor played most of the morning.  His style is quite instrumental.  He truly added a “better restaurant” atmosphere.

We extend heartfelt gratitude for returning and new volunteers.  As our pace increases, we need you!

Prayers:  Kevin still counts on our prayers for a new apartment, safety for his family, success as he completes his school program, and that financial windfall. 

Wanted:  Our Neighbors were asking for waterproof jackets, waterproof shoes, and umbrellas.  If you have extras in the back of the closet, especially men’s, they would be grateful.

Maybe a drum roll is appropriate here…  We are so used to seeing Jerry walking the streets of Lynnwood.  A local fraternal organization has offered him work and care.  His sense of increased self-worth is obvious.  Please pray that this relationship will be successful for both sides.

We wish you warm peace,


For NiN leadership