Weekly Report April 27, 2024

We had a very long line of hungry people who were eager for a hot breakfast.  Thank you to Gloria Dei Lutheran for biscuits and gravy, sausages, fruit juices, burritos and warm greetings.  They served 120 plates this morning.  The numbers continue to grow as we welcome new Neighbors each week.

Our pantry served 83 Neighbors and 2 families. It takes the gleaning and generous giving by Edmonds Food Bank, Advocates Recovery Services and Trinity’s Community Garden Team to get our Neighbors through the weekend.

The Community Garden harvested 7.9 pounds of various fresh greens this week.  Our Neighbors and families sure do welcome the fresh, crisp nutrition.


‘It had to stop’: Simple, yet powerful Heroes’ Café works to stop veteran suicide (komonews.com)

To Heroe’s Cafe, we are grateful for your visits and care for veteran Neighbors and we are truly pleased to see you acknowledged.

A big request to fill a desperate and continuing need.

Our clothing bank is out (NONE!) of men’s pants.  Jeans (any condition) are preferred, but, please….. any men’s pants.

They also need shoes, both men’s and women’s.

It’s change of season.  Please consider a donation barrel at your congregation or living area.  Last winter’s warm clothing gets a Neighbor through days and nights outside.

With gratitude from our Neighbors,


with NiN leadership