Weekly Report October 26 2024

The room was FULL this morning!  We had the largest crowd we have had in many months.  Our Neighbors came early and stayed as long as possible.  We saw many faces that we had never seen before and we saw a few Neighbors that we hadn’t seen for several months.

The word gets out!  🧐 We’re thinking much of the credit for our high guest count goes to the Gloria Dei Lutheran Church breakfast team.  Our Neighbors know that the fourth Saturday means biscuits and gravy, sausage patties and hash browns in addition to breakfast burritos.  They served 107 plates.  This requires a big team and a good three hours “on the job”.

We are grateful for your generosity and sure enjoy your company.  There is a listening ministry as well as a cooking ministry.

Thank you to Peggy and her young neighbors.  Peggy gathers the neighborhood kids into her kitchen to have baking afternoons.  These are the cupcakes that they prepared for our Neighbors.  Our Neighbors sure enjoyed them.