Weekly Report December 7, 2024

Trinity was full of holiday life this morning.  Musicians were practicing in the sanctuary; volunteers were organizing for the Toy Shop and parents were arriving to select gifts at the toy shop.  It was busy everywhere.

We had old friends with us this morning 🙂  Beth, who had volunteered with her daughter in the pre-covid days, purchased and delivered breakfast burritos.  It was fun to get reacquainted with her and everyone certainly appreciated her generosity.

The pantry served 85 Neighbors, three families and three dogs this morning.  They were busy!!

Sincere thanks to Ann and Alex Crocco from St Hilda St Patrick Episcopal Church for coming to help sort clothing donations.  It took a large team to sort by size and hang garments for our clothing bank, all to be done with a long line of Neighbors needing dry clothes.

We just have to have a picture of most of the Advocates For Recovery Team.  They are with us every Saturday morning to help with resources, listening presence, medical assessment and generous food donations. We can always count on Tony to have “film in his phone” and record the morning.  On this day, we caught him in action as he recorded nurse Sheilla and Jeannine as they served Neighbors.  We missed Mike who was busy in the pantry.  Gotcha, Tony!!

Remember tomorrow afternoon’s benefit concert.  Puget Sound Brass Ensemble will be performing at 5 PM in the Trinity sanctuary.  

We wish joy,


For NiN leadership