Weekly Report December 21, 2024

Just to confirm…………….  This morning’s Neighbors in Need counts double.  What a festival!!! 🙂

Our pantry served 115 Neighbors, 1 family, and 4 dogs.  They were busy through to the last minute of the day.

Breakfast was a special treat.  The team from Holy Rosary Catholic Church served macaroni and cheese and sausages along with burritos.  A common comment from our Neighbors (even the toughest) was “I LOVE macaroni and cheese!”  They served 147 plates.

Thank you to Lila and Chris for assembling gift bags to be given to each Neighbor guest.  The bags were full of comfort and fun thanks to Gloria Dei Lutheran Church and Trinity Lutheran Church congregations who donated gloves, hats, scarves, hand and toe warmers and a variety of snack items.  

If the pantry was busy and the breakfast team served every last ounce from their menu, we know that the clothing bank was also busy.  Even after generous donations, there are still needs, especially men’s jeans in small sizes, shoes of all sizes. toiletries and grooming aids.  They welcome any extras that you can share.

Thank you to all for your prayers and your work.  You live the spirit of Christmas.

Merry Christmas!


For NiN leadership