What a day!!! We had 43 Neighbors come to us for food and breakfast burritos. That’s a lot of food to distribute and a lot of burritos and coffee to serve. Thank you to all of our volunteers. You were warriors today.
Special thanks to the team from Holy Rosary Catholic Church for preparing those burritos. Obviously, everybody wanted some.
Prayer requests:
Tracie asks us to continue to pray for help as she deals with the constant ringing in her ears.
An anonymous Neighbor asks us to pray for anyone who is struggling that they have the strength to keep pushing forward.
Kevin asks for prayers for his daughters, Vanessa and Rosa, and for his granddaughter, Louann. Pray that the Lord touches the heart of Samuel of Snohomish County so that he restores Kevin’s housing voucher. Also, pray for clarity of mind and a financial windfall. Also, pray for the memory of Kevin’s brother Daniel.
Thanks to God for fathers and all who fill that role in our lives.
For NiN leadership